
We are one family at work?

We need to pack and unpack the responses to some interview questions before taking a job. Some of the questions asked by employers are deeply rooted in individuals’ or organizations’ mindsets. If we fail to properly ask because we want a job, we will ensnare ourselves.

We are one family:

During interviews, you hear from leaders and managers that; “here, we are one family; we support one another”.  While it may have an employee well-being and support context, some organizations say one thing and do something completely different; they contradict their own values and philosophy.  Being family also means you have a heritage and anything a staff does wrong or unprincipled, you need to treat it as a family issue or settle it the family way. If you are pushing more HR or corporate governance in the workplace, you will be viewed as a “bad person or the police” and be ready to take the door.


Some employers will ask you during an interview if you are able to multitask. If you do not ask further to understand their context, you will be ensnared into a trap of exploitation of your skills and labor. Any piece of work will be tossed at your feet to perform and when you protest; you will create bad blood that will set you up for disaster

Microwaved offer for a job

You sat an interview today, and immediately you are offered the job or the day you are called for the job. I see some candidates so thrilled humming that “God has done it again”.

You need to be careful. “Not everything that glitters is gold”; some organizations’ work culture is toxic; the position has gone unfilled for so long because candidates keep rejecting and rejecting. So by that time they think someone fits into their culture, they will make an offer immediately after the interview. If you do not ask the right questions, your worries have started and only a prison break will get out. 



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