
Promoting Decent Work in Liberia

How can we promote “decent work” in Liberia with two different labor instruments governing our employment sectors? The Civil Service Standing Order and the Decent Work Act [2015].  It becomes problematic to implement because decent work  practices of one sector may not apply to the Civil Service Standing Order; thereby repudiating one sector of employees’ social protection, rights at work, and

Social dialogue.

In 2015, the Decent Work Act of Liberia was passed into law to replace the old Labour Law practices. The phrase Decent Work originated from the International Labor Organization (1999); and refers to employment that “contributes to the social and economic stability” of employees. Decent work fashions are a traditional modification toward an unbiased and unwavering workforce, investing in the employer’s capability to economically improve their quality of life.

“Decent work” sums up the ambitions of people in their professional journeys and encompasses the prospects for work that is dynamic and creates the system for a nondiscriminatory salary, security in the workplace and social protection, healthier projections for employees’ individual growth, and social assimilation, freedom of expression, psychological safety, participation in the resolutions and policies that have an emotional impact on their lives and equal opportunity and treatment for all.

The UN General Assembly in September 2015, outlined four pillars of the Decent Work Agenda which include:

  1. employment creation,
  2. social protection,
  3. rights at work, and
  4. Social dialogue – became an integral element of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calling for the promotion of sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work.

Until we can push to have one labor law governing all employees in Liberia, Decent work practices remain challenging and one sector of employees will not enjoy social protection, rights at work, and Social Dialogue



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