Corporate Resilience Manager

Firestone Liberia Liberia
10 years - plus
$ 00
Posted: 7 days ago

Job Summary

The Firestone Liberia (FSLB) Corporate Resilience Manager will develop and deliver multi-faceted, strategic, and tactical plans, processes, and policies to safeguard the company’s people, assets, and reputation. In conjunction with the Bridgestone West Security and the FSLB Leadership teams, the CRM
will liaise between stakeholders, law enforcement and government agencies on threat-driven, riskbased, safety and criminal matters, to ensure business continuity.

Job Description


Executive presence and experience working with C-suite executives.
• Superior influencing and negotiation skills, including the ability to lead and work collaboratively with a cross-functional team of both internal teammates and external agency partners.
• Proven ability to write content in a clear, concise, compelling way in the face of changing deadlines.
• Continuous demonstration of superior problem-solving, decision-making and project management skills.
• Results-oriented with an ability to think strategically while executing tactically.
• Ability to work independently, as well as be a strong team player in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.
• Strong skills in project management, client service, time management, multi-tasking; an ability to adhere to fixed deadlines and flexibility to handle changing deadlines.
• Exceptional written, verbal, interpersonal and presentation skills.
• Ability to clearly articulate messages to a variety of audiences.

How to apply

Send resume (max. 3 pages) to:
Human Resources Department,
Firestone Liberia, LLC.
Please reference this posting number on all documents: S_43
